Dear ghost,
when you are lost in the jungle, what must you do to stay mad? Must you abandon your now. Must you live on the stage? I had a dream that often twinkled but it was mine. Untill It felt like it wasn't so I don't know. No, I don't. If I live in fear of losing, will I have what I want? Do I really want it? In fear of running on gasoline, I have been avoiding the race. The life that I must tread on is drawn in a robotomized canvas. They told me that I would get it if I really let the engine run and run the Race with the rest of the puppet world. Thus, I am avoiding life because I dont want to be another puppet on the stage. But in doing so, I become a lifeless doll. I must hasten and make up my mind. Either I live in the lobotomized town as a robot that can dream or I must become a lifeless doll untill I know how to get what I want. Untill then, I remain frozen for I fear that regret will scar me.
Your anxiety