August 18, 2022
8:34 pm
In the middle of the night, he messaged me.
Hellooo, how are you?
I'm good
Hahaha, It's okay
No, I am saying goodbye
Ohhhh, tell me why first
It's for the world peace
Are you serious?
Awww, but it's on you
awwwwwts, that's okay
I may be gone, but remember that I will be still, always, on the earth.
I know that, but it's still sad
But I understand
I'm sad too
Then whyyyy
It's for the world peace, I'm willing to do everything
There's no world peace, that's not true
It's true
I don't want to say goodbye, just see you again, maybe in our next life.
Ohhh yeah that's better
Yes, just say it like that
Thank youuuu
for everything
See you again, too
and welcome
See you again, Irja ✨
Thank you for all the craziness and stupidity
Stay safe
The end of a chapter. I don't want to end things, but I know it should be.