July 24, 2022


Dear Diary,Today was okay. I cried. I let myself feel sad. I think that healed something in me... not fully, but... it was like putting a bandaid on. I also painted Today. I got paint all over me, but it was fun. I didn't go out today. I didn't go out yesterday either. I might go out tomorrow... actually it's 1am. So.. technically.. whatever. I'm not gonna count real days with real time. I haven't slept yet today.  so in my book, it's not tomorrow yet. Does anything I'm saying even make sense? Whatever.  I don't have much to say right now.  I had a shower and then took my meds with iced tea. Now I'm just... sitting. I'm not sure what else to do right now.  I'm not tired  and I finished the show I was watching, so sleeping and TV are a no for now. I mean, I could try to find a new show to watch, but I'm not sure. It is really hard for me to get into new things. There is some craft projects I need to finish... maybe I'll do that.  Maybe I'll lay awake on my makeshift floor sleeping situation and think of nonsense until I fall asleep.  I don't know.  Maybe I'll do more research on dreams. I'll think of something to do. Hopefully. I feel so isolated. I wonder why. I wonder if anyone will read this. I wonder if anyone would care. Reading through other people's entries is exiting to me.  I always wonder about them and their lives.   It gets my brain working.  Helps with creativity I think. Maybe thats what I'll do. Read other entries from strangers.

