July 09, 2022


I've finally graduated. Technically I won't have officially received my bachelor's degree until August 5th, but the final grades for my classes were submitted on June 27th. I'm finally free, three years late. My student loans are also in forebearance again until 2026 which is super helpful. 

Da bought me the entire set of the Sailor Moon Eternal edition manga as a graduation present. I'm excited to read them when I get the chance. I bought myself a gift, too, in the form of expensive PokeBall earrings from Rock Love (expensive being like $99). 

I worked hard for my degree and went through many challenges, including one challenge that made me put my degree on hold. I deserve something nice. 

Da and I are going to go on vacation to the beach soon for his birthday. His aunt+uncle and brother will also be with us. We'll be there for four nights. I'm not entirely excited about staying in an Airbnb, but I can't complain much since Da paid for my share. I only have to pay for my own food and any souvenirs I might want. I'm very excited to spend so much time together with Da, especially private room time. 

I do feel a bit guilty about going though, knowing I'll be leaving my mom behind to deal with her mother by herself (but also with my dad). My mom really needs a break from her. There's nothing I can do though. I hope to bring her back a souvenir at the very least. 