Dear Diary, i’m really agitated right now. last week it rained and when i had gone to check on my plants the common milkweeds leaves seemed droopy a day or so after being rained on. i made the mistake of assuming it needed more water. it rained one more time after than and i noticed what i can only assume to be mold on the underside of the leaves. i’m not sure if leaf hoppers are what’s giving it a hard time or if it’s got a fungal infection, or maybe even root rot.
it’s been raining consistently the past 3 or so days and i try to reapply the diatomaceous earth to the common just so it keeps the leaf hoppers away but sometimes i’m not fast enough and by the time i get to it another leaf is a nasty yellow and brown. i worry it’s suffering from root rot, it’s been consistently watered for the past week plus some and has had no time to dry out it’s soil. i’m a complete amateur when it comes to plants so i can’t be sure yet, but its raining now and i have strong urges to go dig up the milkweed while there is still barley some light out. its possible to save a plant from root rot if it’s caught early, but if i have to move it somewhere else i’ll have to dig up the six marigolds surrounding it as well…. what a pain.