July 02, 2022


Dear Diary, I really confused with human words. They all have the freedom to speak what they want. I agree. But if someone have freedom of something , isn't important to use it right? Not for all the things. Atleast for some important things. Some important people.. some important person.  

I think, "people think before what they speak, if they really care for something.. or someone". Or else they just talk randomly , easily, emptyly. 

Guess what?! The people who take those words inside them would easily get hurt. But it's somewhat wrong to take in every words. It's not necessary too. Taking words of good is fine. But not words of silly things, wrong things,empty things,hurtful things. 

But whatever the words maybe. Just whatever. Words from our loved one matters more !! Right?..  Is this could be talked as a problem or just a human nature?!! This question arises in my mind again and again. 

"If they want to eat, let it. Or else don't." - said my dad to their children. I think these words is better unsaid. Like, it's better ask nothing. Then tell something rashly. Should I take it as his way of caring?!! Even I take it or not. It hurts. A little bit. Makes me don't want to eat at all. 😶. It's not even a single time. Many times. I still care about him. After sometime. But before..... what happens.. just happened... we can't take it back what we feel..😐.. 

You can ask me. It's just a simple thing. Simple prblm. There are more prblms in the world. More hurtful words. Isn't silly for you to act silly for those silly and simple things. Small things. 

But small things aren't small. When there is something... what it is called?... yes. "Caring". Not caring for everyone. For some important people. People whom we consider as an important part in our life. Small things can hurt too.. if it is covered up with "caring" along the way. 

When simple things can be so special when there is a presence of 'caring'. Then those simple things can be so hurtful too. With the presence of 'caring'. 

Let's sleep now. I would rather sleep instead of worrying. Worrying is so bothersome to me. 
