July 01, 2022 #211


Dear Diary, I’m surprised it’s July already! My 22th July to live. 

I am still using my full capacity to live each day and to focus on my improvement of wellbeing. I am not sure when I can stand on the start line of my life off after graduation. 

But it will work out even if it’s not what I have been imagined. See, I had no idea how would I live after my graduation without job offer. I am doing a part time job as an assistant librarian at a language school. So I can keep my language skill. 

(Oh, for saving electricity, we keep all windows closed this month!)

Currently I am thinking of to be aspiring translator. I don’t know if the job is stable. Probably not. Also I am barely educated to translate yet. So I need to invest to go to an institute. It’s not impossible but it will require all of my money I have then I will be literally broke after finishing course. Oh, I’ve never been on such a turning point. 

I am even not really sure if this idea comes from my pure interest or is it because of my negative image of other possible job choices? 

Can I still chose what my gut says? 

Well I gotta take time and think more. 

And tbh I know what I should to do. I need to ask help for the carrier adviser back in my university. He kindly told me he understands my situation and he’s always welcome. 

I can explain my current situation too. 
