Dear A - June 02, 2022


Dear A, 

It honestly feels like a scene in a romcom when I remember the day you saw me and approached me with your usual “how are you doing”. The odds of us meeting in a place as big as that felt surreal and yet here I am missing you once again. Thinking if I should have said yes once again when you asked me if I still liked you. How I should have said yes I still loved you instead of saying I did not want to be in a relationship which is true. We deserve better than putting the both of us back into the same despair we felt months back. However, I do wish I can stay in your arms forever. How your arms and your hugs are the last bit of affection that remains constant in my life right now whereas the rest seems foreign. I miss you A and I love you, I wish I could have said this while we were hugging earlier. I miss your warmth and comfort but things are better this way. I now need to control my feelings for you once again and ensure the relationship we now share remains as it is. Comfortable and safe for the both of us.
