May 24, 2022


It's okay to slip, it's okay to make

 mistakes, it's okay to make bad decisions and it's okay to make wrong choices. I'm still very young, i don't know anything about so many things, i have tried my best to always and always make all the right choices, say the right words, do the right things, but I don't have to, i have always been understanding and forgiving towards others, then why do i put so much pressure to be right on myself? Maybe because I don't wanna regret anything. Maybe cause I don't wanna blame myself for anything but is this life really a life if i am always just working like a robot for everyone and not stopping when i need it? I need to stop now. For sometime, i need to stop, or else I'll lose myself in this. So today i write to myself and all of you reading this, it's okay to slip sometimes, it's even important. <3
