May 22, 2022


Dear People of the World!

Wake up!!! I mean come on, does no one else really see the corruptness behind the people everyone trusts in?! It's so obvious, I'm not even an adult yet but I can tell. Bill and Melinda Gates, Biden, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, The Clintons, FAUCI ESPECIALLY!!!!! Y'all are straight up blind I swear! And it makes me so mad no one is doing anything about it, I try to do something about it but every time I speak up I'm immediately shut down. No one believes me, everyone thinks I'm crazy. Okay, maybe I am crazy but at least I'm not stupid like the rest of you dumbass sheep, making zero decisions for yourselves and following the wolf in sheeps clothing. Well guess what? I'm the shepherd with a shotgun and I'm here to hunt down the wolves and protect all you idiot sheep. You're welcome!!
