May 20, 2022


Dear Diary, 

I've been thinking about R a lot lately, I really like him.

I love talking to him everyday, I love making him laugh, I love joking about stuff with him.

I like listening to his stories and telling him mine.

The other day we were talking about the people in our class and how everyone has a good friend or best friend already. We talked about the couples tooπŸ˜‚

Not anything bad actually, just random gist.

I like him and Bayuuu's friendship actually, they seem pretty close and like they've got each other's backs.

There's something boys being best friends that's just nice.

Especially when it's true friendship.

I wonder how the relationships (friendships and dating) among everyone will change over time.

Will Bowale, BTF and Enoch still be such good friends by graduation? πŸ€”

Will Nurat still be crushing on Victor while he's looking at Faree___?πŸ€”

Will R and I last?

Will I have a best friend among everyone just like others have or will it just be Semi even though we don't take all our classes together?

Anyway, I really like my coursemates, everyone is just so nice, and they are funny too, I enjoy reading their conversations on the class group even if I don't really participate.

Also R and I have been getting along so well recently 😏

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚The other day, he woke up and saw that I hadn't texted him even though was in the afternoon, he was angry (but in a cute way) and he said he was expecting a "good morning text" so I made sure to send him one the next morning.

When he gets jealous it's so funny, but also cute.

He's always asking about Duyi suspiciously πŸ˜‚

And when he saw Timi's birthday message he asked if it was a male or female πŸ˜‚

And he asked if I'm still friends with my ex.

He gets so jealous and always plays it cool, but I can see it.

He should just ask me out already, but I might ask him anyway, I don't mind.
