March 30, 2022


Dear Diary, Morninng.

  •  I'm about to start getting ready for work but I wanted to say my first hello. I've contemplated writing for sometime now. I have in the past and it never last long or gets me anywhere so I stop pretty quickly however it's never been online and never in a public place where others could read it if the chose to do so, so, I'll see how it goes this time... Was reading a few entries this morning before writing myself and some are so frivolous and some are so serious.. I'm sure mine will be a mixture of both and pretty lame and superficial at times but maybe it'll help and serve as some type of an outlet for myself.. we'll see I suppose.. I'm not going to get into anything complicated or lengthy right now as I mentioned I need to get ready for work but I wanted to put something here to get myself started and start the habit of doing so.. I already know there will be lost of rambling, obscure thoughts, complaining, bad spelling, horrible punctuation (lazy writer) and everything else that comes along with this type of thing. So if you happen to be one that decided to read any of these entries please keep an open mind and try to make the best sense out of it you can, good luck lol I'm kind of looking forward to it as I really have no one else in my life to talk to about the things that I imagine I'll put in here nor do I care to share these things with someone I'll see on a regular basis.. nor will they care to listen to it anyway... I'd hate to put someone through that and then watch them as they pretend to care about it, that's annoying.. anyways..I'm out but I'll be back eventually ✌🏻
