March 02, 2022


Dear Diary,    

                      So I started seeing one of my friends that I’ve known since I was 17. Things seem to be progressing well, but don’t want to get my hopes up. We’ve always had a flirtationship going on since forever, almost had sex once as well. Funny story, my mom came home and he had to hide in my closet for a while lol. We were young lmao. Anyway, there’s just something about him. Something unexpected. He’s sweet, kind, gentle, thoughtful, and so much more. But ofc I have my concerns. The thing about “Y” is that he just seems kind of immature sometimes. Most of me want to trust him, but there’s small part of me that’s not sure if I can. We’ve been spending a lot of time together, watching anime, going on dates…well 1 date and I love every second of it. He makes me feel things I haven’t in a really long time. He scares me though. The thought of a man coming in to my life now and making me head over heels, last time I had this feeling was in my early twenties, idk if I can do it again. 

Either way, he’s not with me tonight, but I sure do miss him a lot. I miss the way he cuddles me all night long. I miss how loving and sensual our sex is. Ugh this is annoying lol 
