Daddy issues :/


I wish I had dad, I never knew how much I was missing out on the whole father and daughter relationship type shit. I always told myself I wasn’t missing out and that it’s nothing, that my mom is enough.

But I just really want a MAN not a boy not some horny teenage shit who thinks because they comforted me that now I’ll open my legs to them. I want a man, a mature, stabled, and just someone who is grown and sweet to tell it’s gonna be fine.

It feels like I’m gonna be waiting so long to just have a man wrap his arms and body around me and hold me tight while I cry…that’s honestly all I want…

I want a man who makes me feel safe, I don’t think I’ll ever get lucky in finding a good guy, so far my experience with these boys are so terrible, HELL I GOT SA🙄

I want a man…I want someone who will keep me safe, I’m always keeping the people I love safe but I don’t think I’ll ever find a partner who will go the extra mile for my safety :(
