December 25, 2021


Dear Diary, wow I’m doing it I’ve been so concentrated on bettering myself I let my physical surrounding go to dump two weeks of dirty laundry, no clean linen to bath with I’ve been a savage. Tunnel vision on making money the best I know how I’ve laid my motherly duties and chores take a backseat it’s not ok. I woke from a nap after fasting for 20 hours rejuvenated I started with getting the diapers off the floor in the bedroom and it’s content into a new trash bag I decided to start in the room I avoids the most to create a mental state of accomplishment it work leading to washing shower walls huge bathroom mirror, toilet  and sink. Throwing two cap full of bleach and gain into hot water I mopped the flow it was starting to smell heavenly leading me into kitchen where I washed two days of greasy carnivore plates and pots I’m on a roll loading dishwasher then starting laundry so happy i feel fantastic. Watching my favorite podcast Social Proof on YouTube I’m going to continue and unravel the cords at my desk. I’m kind of tired of my furniture I want to look for something leather that would be something I look at when I have the apt tidy. 

Lord God you are amazing keep leading me I’m here to be you sheep it’s a working progress Im down for the ride in Jesus name amen 
