December 18, 2021


Dear Diary,Went to the city got all the errands done for the week got TV dinners per Colton. Colton hung out with one of his buddies when I got back, he had found a teaming roping about an hour from the house. He was so excited winners got a belt buckle and he collects them. I missed so got the look. Colton found a kid his age and ask him to head so they entered and won the buckles. That's a big deal he went on his own to find a partner.

Two weeks ago, he would have never gone up to someone he didn't know and talked to them, much less ask someone he didn't know to rope with him. He has always been shy, but after Callie passed away he really withdrew. I can't even imagine what he went though trapped in that truck with his mom so long. Casey's dad brought her out to watch just as they got there he got called in to work but he let her stay. That's another thing two weeks ago, he would have never talked to Casey, he has had a crush on her since the sixth grade and never talked to her, now seems like they're always together.

Colton and Casey wanted whatabuger for dinner. Pretty sure they couldn't take my cooking tonight Made it back home feed a few cows and the horses. Colton asks to go to the cemetery. I guess he wanted to tell his mom about the Buckle, wish he would open up I think he carries a lot of guilt. When the Deputy arrived on scene, he said all Colton would say is I didn't know what to do. Mom can't get out she took my boot off and said get out I told her I need my boot it raining, Mom said I didn't my boot my boot anymore. Just get out The deputy said she had passed away by the time he got to her and it looked like Coltons foot had got stuck under the steering wheel in her lap when she pulled him down.She had his boot in her arms, the truck was so mangled it rolled over and the semi rolled over on top of it the best they can tell Callie grab Coltons legs and pulled them to her so he would lay down they could not figure out how he crawled out of the truck. He was in shock, he just keeps repeating himself.

I can't image what he went through. He says he doesn't remember any of it.
