December 14, 2021


Dear diary, 
Guess today is a thought free day. The blank box of my mind is a funny thing.

Someone recently asked me how do I live in the moment. Someone else asked me how am I happy from the inside. 

I have been thinking how do I do that. How?
I don't really have an answer for that. But I do have a theory.

My theory is that when we are kids, we are always playful and happy. And the reason for that is we don't have many emotions as that age. We don't have to go through a lot of mental stress that we get in older ages. It's in our habit to be playful and happy. That's how the life is when we are kids.

When we grow a bit older - 'adulthood', and join the world with our little awaken minds, But we are still new to it.. There are people who are willing to help and there are people who criticize. It's a human behaviour that negative incidents impact us more than good incidents. We are laden with mental burden to do good in school, be disciplined, please others etc but we are hardly ever tought how we can make ourselves happy. All these burdens are mental  which slowly become stress. We slowly forget how playful we were when we were kids. The happiness slowly fades away. Slowly being in stress becomes our habit. And mind you, we are mostly surrounded by people of similar or elder age group who are also going through similar lives/stress.

When we grow a bit more older, we have to get a job, settle down, live as per society norms. The stress continues. And now we have more years of experience of living like that. 

It's a years and years of habit that we need to break. 

We are born with the responsibility of ourselves and our actions. And we need to learn how to keep ourselves happy. Happy mind is a productive mind. When we keep ourselves happy, people around us will be happy. We make world a better place. by starting with ourselves. 

Our mind is a machine and it can easily be tricked. So why not trick it to think we don't have stress and are happy.

I remember someone once told me this trick. I'm listing down all I remember.
  • Any habit can be made in 21 days
  • Let today be the day one to avoid circle of thoughts with no apparent solution.
  • Day one- notice one funny/happy thing about the day. Go to sleep with that thought.
  • Day two- notics two happy/funny things about the day and go to sleep with those thoughts.
  • Day three- start noticing every breath you take. This is one of the meditation techniques in Buddhism. Notice three things today.
  • Day four- focus on noticing your respiration pattern. Notice four things today.
  • Day five- notice 5 things today.
  • Day 8-21- repeat day 5's instructions.

We don't know if this works unless we try it. And it doesn't seem to backfire so why not let today be the day one! 
