Dear Diary,

what am i going to do if he never replies? i will be sad again, and then find someone else only to be sad again.

This is such a weird cycle, attempting or even being in love. It makes me demand more. He lingers in my head like having conscience for killing someone innocent. It burns and I don't like it.

I wish I thought it through. I wish I was smarter. Loneliness just feeds you when it does and love cures that with affection. Being needed to feel worthy. Love is a tragedy, although most people won't admit that.

I knew this was true right from the start. When it dawns on you it just does. Just in time when you have chosen just one person out of the others, that one person had to be the wrong choice.

Then I ask myself again, what is so wrong about the choices that I make? Why are they tragic?  
