About December šŸ’™


1:  I'm starting fresh šŸ˜¬ Thanks  @Temporary Bliss for putting the idea of numbering the entries. I find that a brilliant idea to recall stuffs.  

I don't wanna start off my fresh start with any whining or complaining. This is such an important day in my life. I boarded the flight to US on this day two years back, all alone for the very first time. I was excited to join my life partner, finally. We only got to be together for two weeks after the wedding. And those two weeks passed so fast, I barely remember it. 

Most of the days we weren't at home. So we barely got to spend time together. 

December is so special. My birthday month. It's Christmasy month. And also winter time. Not that I'm a big fan of snow but I like to watch it from the comfort of my home šŸ˜ Sweaters and jackets' month. I get so excited to shop them than my regular clothes. 

I haven't planned anything for my birthday. I am yet to look up for a dress online. My birthday and one of my husband's niece's birthday falls on the same day. I usually like people who share birthdays with me but I really don't enjoy sharing my special day with that 2 yr old. 

I mean, it's my special day as well. Not that I wanna be treated in a special way but I wanna do what I wanna do. I wanna just lie on the couch and watch TV with special foods for the whole day or I wanna go out and do some fun activities the whole day. What I don't wanna do is, go to the kid's house in the morning and help decorate for her birthday party which would be celebrated in the evening. Come on, it's my day as well. 

I know I said I wouldn't be whining or complaining in this entry but the thought made its way into my head and I'm pissed at it. I wanna pour in here. 

I don't care how close they're to my family. It's my special day and let me be what and how I wanted it to be. At first o thought I sounded mean, when these thoughts began to grow in my head. But at the end, I'm just wishing what many people wish for. Nothing extra ordinary. I don't want a huge party thrown side by side with hers or anything to do with her on my birthday. 

Yes, I have shared a birthday with one or two people from school or college but we were all equally treated and I did what I wanted. So that was never an issue. But this is so unfair to me. 

This birthday I'm planning not to go over to their house and celebrate my birthday on my terms. Even if it takes  the whole day up! 

Phew! I feel a little better after letting some steam out. šŸ˜¤šŸ¤ÆšŸ˜Œ
