December 04, 2021


Dear Diary,

You know what disturbed me the for whole week? The opinions which were put on me forcefully. Some by my insiders and some by outsiders. I don't understand why after 22 or generally after getting a job, why the hell the society tries to make a girl feel like she is no more than a sex object and now the time has come to play your role. Why they force you or try to convince you for marriage? Marriage is a kind of choice. Somebody wants it at 18 or some at 30 and some never wants it all and that's completely okay. What's there in a forced marriage? All want you to do sex? Or after 22 it's the duty of every women to provide sexual pleasure to at least one man otherwise their life is not considered to be successful. Each and every person i'm meeting now-a-days is asking me this same question, "started looking for marriage?" as if it's the only option left in my life to do or just go and die..
