December 01, 2021 #104 [wow is this me?]


Dear Diary, I like myself better than yesterday. And I can feel slight brightness in my heart. I can even feel hope now. I think everything is because 15 min of tiding up. Even though that heaviness is still in my chest, I can believe I am possible to keep positive side in me. One post of my internet friend changed my day. Today was different than past month. 

I can even remember to leave gratitude notes…

I am grateful for the smile of a little boy I met at a store. He smiled at me with pure joy. And he warmed my heart. 

Dear everyone who worked for me to receive Lynda Barry’s book, Thank you so so much. That book light up my heart. It’s busy season now but it just took three days or less. Thank you again for your hard work. 

I am grateful for being able to drink clean water whenever I want. It is very scary to imagine if I can’t. But it happens a lot and many people are suffering. I am so blessed. And I hope the suffering will be over everywhere on the earth someday. 
