Eating Alone


[ENTRY 50..✍]

The light in my room doesn't work anymore so I'm literally having a candlelight dinner right now. My younger sister's friends are downstairs and I want to eat in peace. I usually do, actually. We used to have family dinners together but ever since it's just us three now, we have more freedom to eat whenever we want. And I, for one, indulge into it the most because I'm always the odd one out who lives in a different world. It's my siblings who usually want to eat together and on a specific time.

Not too long ago, during lunch, I was preparing to bring food upstairs when older sis said, "Why don't you just eat here? It's so lonely to eat alone."

"But I don't feel lonely when I eat alone.."

The bitch likes talking and says that these are the times of the day where we could sit around and chat and discuss together as a family. To be honest, it's okay. It's usually fun because when we're together, we make fun of each other a lot, or have the silliest arguments or intellectual discussions, or talk about our cats, or gush over something like anime, books, or any hot TV show character, etc.. It's all fun and games until the table starts to turn into the very subject I loathe.

Questions about me and my plans in life.

This. This is why I prefer to eat alone. This is why I hate family dinners now or godforsaken reunions. Gosh, I just hate it when this kind of attention lands on me. It's like they all got something going on in their lives and I just sit there dreading for my turn to be asked about blustering plans of my own. And quoting Phoebe Buffay, I don't even have a "pla".

Thank God I still have this Captain Levi lamp.