November 07, 2021


Dear Diary, I'm all over the place now, but also getting closer to one of my goals. With holidays coming I'm slightly distracted, which is alright, life is not just work. 

No news from family yet about their plan, sounds like holidays coming have put more pressure on their already busy schedule. 

Everywhere I go, people are talking about gifts. My SO has a gift for me in mind, I told him don't get me anything I don't want. I know it's the intention that counts, but I also don't want anything that I will not end up using, so I will tell him if I want anything. 

I don't mind surprises, I just prefer surprises that I actually need, or at least want. He took me to the store to show me what he has in mind, but the item is no longer on the shelves. I didn't tell him but I'm glad it's no longer available. 

I don't have anything in mind right now when it comes to gifts. So maybe this year we'll skip all that holiday gifting thingy and just relax spending time together, watching movies, warm food etc
