Dear Diary,
Last night, I had a dream where I met my favorite celebrity. (Yes, Unspeakable.) Idk why I like to record these. I'm so weird... Anyway, it was about me waking up to something. I think it was someone throwing rocks at my window so something. So I got mad and went to my window to yell at the person, and noticed it was Nathan. Gosh, if dreams were real.
I need help.
Anyway, I was kind of productive today. I watched some more YouTuber interviews, this time with Airrack, and, like always, learned a lot.
Then I got the most motivation I have ever had to start practicing editing. So I did. The most I have edited before was about a minute of footage. This time, I got just over ten minutes done.
I'm doing some fan edits to help me practice editing because I can't make my own videos yet.
So right now, I'm doing a video I'll call "An Unspeakable video but with only James". Maybe. I'll think if a better title later. So this is an Unspeakable video that I am editing to have it only be what James does or says. Its actually going pretty smoothly, and so far, its hilarious!
I'm trying to decide if I should post it on my main account to help grow subscribers, or if I should make another YouTube account only for my fan edits. Idk, I'll figure it out.
Anyway, I'm going to try and be super productive tomorrow so that means I have to go to bed. Like, now.