October 27, 2021 #53


Dear Diary, luckily my mom and I could let my little sis to see a psychiatrist today. And the doctor prescribed her some medicine to calm her hallucinations. 

I heard she didn’t sleep well last night. according to my mom, she woke up at middle of the night and went to check other room and cry. 

Her symptoms are worse than yesterday, I assume. She ‘sees’ her favorite celebrities  and ‘talk’ with them like yesterday. What is more, she sometimes can’t even hear me and mom. And gets angry so many times. Waving at a window, making phone call with her music player, trying to escape from our home, trying to escape from the psychiatrist when we got there, refusing mask even she dead completely okay with it before, sudden run and hide behind the cashier of a book store we went…

I can’t forget one of the book store clerks told me like “That’s fine. Come inside and get her. WE ARE IN TROUBLE” 

That word broke my heart. They could have other word.

Why this started to suffer her???

God please save her.. 
