He Doesn't Know


[ENTRY 35..✍]

He doesn't know that I know he's been visiting the place we used to hang out before.
The place where we fell in love.
The place he used to plan our future.
Our first and last "I love you".
The memories he destroyed.

He doesn't know I see him as he looks around as if expecting to see someone.

Our place.

The place he broke my heart.
The place I still go to every goddamn day.

He just doesn't know.

Why does he still appear once in a while? Why has he been appearing more frequently lately?
When he sees me, why does he pretend he hasn't and then walks away?

I wanna know how he is.
I wanna talk to him again.
But he's ignored me enough.
And I have no right to demand for his attention because he's already taken.


Why does he still visit when he's already taken?
Isn't he happy?
Does he miss me?

The future he used to plan for us..
Have they burned and turned to dust?

I hate you.


Leave forever and never come back.
Erase me.
For I still go there everyday,
to catch a glimpse of you.
I still go there everyday,
hoping to see you.
And you keep feeding that hope.


Stop showing up.

I wanna love someone new.