October 10, 2021


Dear Diary,

Its been very long since i update my diary. Been very busy lately.

Today i just feel like writing this for myself.

Singapore is having more rules for unvaccinated people. I am one of the even though am not a anti-vax. I just dislike the idea of injecting stuff into my body with risks. Who knows i may die the next few days or prolong symptoms. They say is rare but i have people close to me having sudden illness and blood clot.... well doc say am safe to get but its just this gutts feeling that my body tells me not to have.

The gov and ministers are stressing us to get jab, even coming out with a lame song of persuading lyrics....

I am getting tired of this shit. Where is the freewill and what happen to humanity? Am i the only one whom thinks this way? 

It's simple lonely. I am tired of living sometime.... 
