August 27, 2021


Dear Diary,

Codependency: [part1]

Being raised in a codependent household these are the things it scars you with:

  • Fear... Fear of what others may think of you or say about you or to you.
  • Anxiety.... You feel anxious constantly and sometimes you don't even know why.
  • Approval seeking.
  • Lack of self worth.
  • Lack of identity.
  • Lack of self-esteem.
  • Lack of self-control.
  • Emotional irregularities and instabilities EG: such as irritability, which include rage, anger and/ or violent behaviour.
  • Depression. ( Sometimes suicidal and or intrusive thoughts)
  • Self-destructive behaviour including self-sabotage and/or self-harm.
  • Lack of trust in self and others. ( Including relationships)
  • Eating disorders.
  • Coping mechanisms and or self-soothing.
  • Addictions.( Substance or other kinds)
  • Raw and vulnerable but with sometimes no perception or understanding of it.( Moments of denial or striving to be overly strong in compensation and or feeling victimized/ worthless)
  • Domineering and controlling of others out of fear. ( The overwhelming need to be right, be seen and heard)
  • Little-to-no communication or listening skills. You were often silenced as a child ( not seen, heard or valued) and lived around emotionally unstable people. 
  • Catastophizing past, present or future events.
  • You feel responsible for the happiness and or sadness of those around you due to codependent, trauma bonded conditioning.
  • Believing that you're inherently "bad", "wrong", "not good enough" etc.
  • Traumatic memories and flashbacks.
  • Wanting to prove others wrong about you or giving up and giving in and believing insults and criticisms are true and who you are.
  • Shame and guilt. ( Due to blame of others and self)
  • Being the scapegoat ( by others blame shifting into you or you blaming yourself)

If you've read up until this point you are not bad, broken or worthless. You've endured trauma that can be treated and helped. There is hope and light ahead, you can change, heal and restore yourself. 💗

It's ok to feel our feelings... We won't break or die. No more running.... It's time to sit. ❤️

I will write more on this topic at a later date. I'm willing to teach all I've learnt about myself. I'm no expert on anything but I'm learning about me. ||TBC...
