August 17, 2021


Dear Diary,

I was thinking of writing to him through my diary and tell him what happened in my day .. but the question is, is he coming back, and do I want him after everything happened between us? Then I changed my mind since everything will remain there and nothing will be removed from my memory. I'd like to get on with my life, but he's still on my mind. I'll never forget how horrible he made me feel.

how we can control our minds and tell them when we need to care and when we need to forget and we need to move on. I've always heard about the power of our minds, but why can't I control mine... what's the problem? Is it my nature to feel pain and recall all negative emotions, or do I still have faith in him and, deep down, I don't want to let him go? Let's start at the beginning... I wasn't accepting this relationship at first, and when I did, he decided to move on, which may explain why I'm still there. My mind refused to let him go, and I am still carrying him with me. of course, you can't move on because you've been trying to convince yourself that he's the right one for you, and when you've been convinced, he's gone... you're disappointed, and that's normal... you just need more time to heal.
