August 15, 2021


Dear Diary,

Every time I go to sleep, you come to my mind... it's as if I never forget you, but I know you're gone and no longer there. you now as a stranger nothing...I stopped trying because I know the person I love is no longer there. It's difficult to miss someone who exists and act as if he died.. he died for me only and I have to move on.

You can't live rent-free in my mind...Do you know why I don't have anything to regard? because I tried before to save this relationship but now I don't have anything to lose, to cherish, or to fight for.Thanks for you.

sometimes I want to become a ghost and follow you around to see what you're up to .. actually, I can guess what you are doing but I want to see if I across ur mind as you do... BAD NEWS YOU DON'T AND I DON'T CARE ANYMORE I TURNED MY FELLINGS OFF AS YOU DID
