August 08, 2021 headache


Dear Diary,

I have a huge headache. I have headache since I was 3 years old and the only thing doctors have done for that was prescribing me a very strong painkiller, but I can't take painkillers anymore in theory because I've becomed hypersensitive to them.

I took it anyway because the pain was too strong, and it's 6 day that I tolerate it.

I cannot tolerate smells, strong light and strong sounds. I asked my mother if she can stay with me a couple of hours because the painkiller I took was high dosage, so it If I  react badly she could call for help.

I asked also her to turn off the tv and to extinguish the coaster just as long as the painkiller takes effect. She didn't because she was watching a movie and because if she extinguish the coaster the mosquitoes will enter. Ok, I'm less important then mosquitoes and tv.

If she she need something she pretend I quit whatever I'm doing, even if I'm working, and do what she want. Fuck off.

I returned to my room, if I get bad, well, shit happens. Silly me thinking I can try to prevent things, anyway I anticipate my antihistamine, I hope it will do his job. 

It's too hot today, I would really love some fresh air perhaps it would help with my headache...  I don't know how to refresh though.
