July 30, 2021


Dear Diary, finally I said what I needed to say for some time. I kind of knew it would turn out this way, but I decided to just tag along until it really happened. I have my own shortcomings that I have to deal with, it's about time they admit their own shortcomings and stop making it all about me. Saying they want what is best for me while their actions say otherwise, is not going to fool me and fakeness is truly off-putting.

I woke up really late today, it was the most rested sleep I ever had since pandemic started. I have no problem going it alone, I have always been alone. Friends, relationships, I had and still have - but my opinions, decisions, the path I choose, are not dependent on them. I have lived long enough to know, I can do it, because I have done it, I have always done it.

Change happens in many different ways. It's inevitable, but all I have to do is make sure that it is improving my life and not ruining it. 
