July 15, 2021


Dear Diary, today I got hired at a marketing agency to create video content. I am excited to have another client to work with and of course grow as a artist. I just can't help but acknowledge the disappearance of all my creative energy. I went snorkeling today and even the fish didn't seem to boost my serotonin levels. That is a first. I long for the day this dark fucking cloud stops looming over my head like im fucking Seattle. My mom left a pack of cigs at my house while visiting. I've never been one to smoke anything other than weed but I will say.. very nice(Borat voice). Now I must force myself to finish editing a video before my boss kills me. It may be a horrible video that I have no doubt the client will be disappointed in, but at least I will be finished with it. Tomorrow will be better than today. I hope. I really fucking hope it will be. 
