July 14, 2021


Dear Diary, oh how the tables have turned..

Over the weekend my mom came to visit me which would of been really exciting except for the motherload(he he) of drama that has run through our family recently. My brother and his wife, partner of 10+ years, are getting divorced. One day into the trip we found out he's been having an affair for the last 8 months. He got her a Christmas gift. I have never been so upset with him. I've never really felt any negative feelings about him till now. In fact I always defend him and only speak of his being in the most positive way. Fuuuuuck that. It just seems like everything is coming to an end. Like everything on my timeline is over. My adolescence. My friendships. My romantic interests. And now my family is imploding. Did I mention I have been the worst employee ever the last few months? I sometimes question the people I work for as I wonder why they aren't like "Hey, you are sucking". Maybe im too hard on myself. Also, I found this duo called Bird and Byron on TikTok lately and their cover of "Where'd All the Time Go" has been on repeat for a week. At least there is always new music to find. 
