July 11, 2021


Dear Diary,

I really hope Italy to lose the football match. People are getting insane, there are a lot of noises outside my window and people are reproducing Raffaella Carrà at an insane volume.

I'm sorry for the death of Raffaella Carrà, but it doesn't change the fact that her music sucks. Really. It's annoying and demential.

Delta variant is starting to spread and people are dancing and hugging in the streets, I want my freedom back so people have to respect the rules to allow me that. Why they do not wear masks? Why they hug between complete strangers?

I mean, It's a stupid football match... Who cares? Why risk another lockdown for a victory that does not carry us real benefits? 

I hate noise, I hate football and I hate shitty music... I hate Italy actually. Except for coffee.
