July 11, 2021


Dear Diary, this morning I woke up feeling rested. Reno stops temporarily, something needs to be fixed before reno can continue, but it seems 1/3 of the work is done. Temperature dropped a lot the last few days and today it's still lower than usual summer. I'm two minds about this. I prefer it than summer heat, but also wonder if this will somehow cause a delay in reno. Maybe I'm anxious about nothing, it's a bit chilly yes but nothing like winter. 

I joined more online groups. I was specific about my interests so that it's easier to select which ones to join out of hundreds of them, and I picked the ones I can also contribute in somehow. The local group I asked to join last month hasn't replied yet, it could be a good thing, right now I have enough on my plate. 

Next week seems to be all work. Life was almost stagnant for over a year due to pandemic, restrictions, lock downs. Businesses still require people wear masks and apply hand sanitizers before entering, only a handful few can't adjust to that new normal yet, most people choose to put up with it so that the economy can recover and life moves forward again. 

Whoever it is to blame for the pandemic, how it's handled and the economic impact of it, we will find out the truth someday what is actually going on. For now we can't let the economy slumps further, or we will have more problems in our hands than sick people crowding the hospitals.
