July 06, 2021


Dear Diary,

Hii ☺️

It's been a long time but I was quite busy.

A lot of things happened in this 2 months. As last time I wrote it was my birthday and after that as my mom was ill that time too after some days we came to Raipur hospitalize her as she was in a critical condition.

Then after getting up in the morning to do household chores , visiting hospital and then again cooking dinner and sleeping the next 10days passed . Then she got discharged.

The coming days also followed the same routine except going to hospital.

Days passed she is very now not absolutely fine but kind of fine.

We went to Chennai this week.

Overall I felt that it was just unnecessary and wastage of money as we are already facing financial crises, debt etc.

On 30th of June I received that the exam postponed due to second wave of pandemic is now going to happen on 10th July. As my parents were desperate to go back to home and planning to do so as soon as they will be back from Chennai.

But since I told them that I am having my exam they chose to stay as my mom said that no one is taking good care of her except me and this made me angry as I have planned to spend some good time with Vishal.

So I told them at after exam I will go to college too for my degree and all then she said whether she has to stay alone here, so my father is also staying .

And this just made me sad as I literally wanted a break and me time and wanted to live alone for few days and atleast to spend a day with him too as things are fine between us these days and we had some plans.

But I don't think it is possible anymore.

I don't know what's next.

