July 06, 2021 I'm sick of this


Dear Diary,

My day i started less then 3 hours ago, and I'm already tired. I can't work, I don't want to, they pay me to little to stay motivated.

Even if they pay me like a slave, this work shoud be exciting: I'm working at the preproduction of a big and important event for the second time. Why I'm not excited at all? Why I feel that it doesn't matter? Why is it all so empty?

I can hear my parents televisions from here even if my door is closed. I hate the television. Both of them are switched on day and night, 24 hour for day. I'm going insane! I wonder way my parents refuse to close their doors to let me not to ear constantly the chatting of two loud televisions. I'm in pain for the continuous use of ear plugs... The doctor said I should not use them constantly, but I don't know how to survive the noise.

My boyfriend called me but I have nothing to say to him, because my days are all the same.

What can I do to make this day at least tollerable?
