July 05, 2021


Dear Diary,

Last five I saved to my cell. Will wind up taking more eventually. 

That being said. Not much going on. Stuck standing at a door making sure shoplifters think twice about entering or leaving. As I mentioned at some point in a different entry...I'm a pretty big guy. I'm effective at my job. Standing there quietly judging people. Always wearing a mask and a type of hat or beanie...are they called beanies? Dunno...either way always have something covering my head. Pretty much no one has seen what I look like and I prefer to keep it that way.

Hard to be intimidating when everyone knows you or sees you as a person. It's where the bear nickname comes from or the Boogeyman. 

In the area I live in most people barely come up to my chest. When I walk around I make sure they hear me. I march. My goomba boots, as I affectionately call them because they are around 5-10 pounds each, make quite a bit of noise. You can literally hear me coming from half a block away.

Anyway. Back to work. Enjoy the pictures.
