July 03, 2021


Dear Diary,

I've never made it a habit to hide my past but at the same time I don't offer that knowledge unless someone asks...or I'm just reminiscing like I do on here. Let's face it, no one here knows who I am and I doubt I'll ever meet any of you outside this diary thing.

That being said...things at work are becoming more...militaristic? Not sure if that's the right word. Either way things are changing. Between the reports. The procedures and the way we handle the paper work I'm getting major boot camp dejavu moments. Only thing missing is the training and the visits by the big honchos. Reminds of the time one of our night guards called one of the visiting officers a petty chief. We all suffered for it with four hours of intense training. Good times.

Anyway. Seniority is taking the wheel here. I'm now taking orders from people almost 10 plus years younger then me. I don't mind. I'm trained to follow orders. What I do mind is that it's my little brother and he likes to abuse said responsibilities. I have half the mind to kick his ass and be done with it but...whatever. family is family. I'm sure once his brown nosing comes to bite him in the ass he won't like the new responsibilities that get thrown his way.

Honestly. I'm inherently lazy. A natural born leader yet I squander that side of my life. People are always trying to force leadership on me and I do everything I can to avoid it.
