June 30, 2021


Dear Diary, finally, some time alone. Just sitting here, looking at all kinds of colorful stuffs I made as part of the creative project I have in mind. Thinking about social life, friends. It was nice to actually meet them again, talked about how the last few years have been for us. Will be meeting other friends, I'm curious how the last few years have been for them, especially the ones who used to travel a lot before pandemic and have families living in different parts of the world. I'm getting closer to a few of my friends, and it kind of make me anxious. That's the thing with social interaction, there is always a chance you make friends and then grow closer as time goes by. But in a way I enjoy friendships more than relationships. There is more flexibility, more freedom in it, and although it does require certain degree of social interaction, it hardly ever ends up draining/exhausting while relationships almost always end up that way for me. 

My current relationship, I think he invests more in it than I do. I tried to, kind of contribute more so that's it equal, but everytime I did that, something happened and I would regret ever considering to do that. Like they say if it's not broken, don't fix it. I guess I will let the relationship takes the course it is meant to take, leave things the way they are. It's in my life for a reason, and when the time comes, it will end, like everything else that has a beginning.
