June 22, 2021


Dear Diary,

Have to be honest. Some of the customers who come through are lucky we aren't allowed to handle their...crap. 

Many who come through know this and intentionally do stuff knowing we can't get involved because in the long run we are literally just mercenaries on someone else's turf.

Lately alot of kids and teens are coming in and doing stupid shit. Breaking things. Throwing balls around. Moving perishable food to places it won't be found until it goes bad and has to be tossed. 

Past few months there's been someone or someone's who have been taking breakable things and placing them ontop of the high shelves turning them into booby traps. I say booby traps because alot of those who work for the company I'm contracted to are either small, elderly or disabled. Many can't see what they are grabbing on the top shelves. 

I've done my best to take care of it before anyone is unfortunate enough to have pottery, glass or other various breakables fall onto them but I know I won't always be there to do so. I've notified their management of this but they think I'm being paranoid.

Even if I am I'm not chancing it happening on my watch. I ever catch the people doing it and they are in for a world of pain.
