June 19, 2021


Dear Friend, I saw you in an interview. I recognized you right away. Look how far you've gone. You look well. Your eyes smiled as you smiled. Your laughter, it's all so familiar. I'm happy for you. I remember you were always sweet and thoughtful, you paid attention in class, active in sports, study groups. Look at how beautiful your life now. You married the man of your dream, the way he looked at you during the interview, he clearly adores you and you have a beautiful family together. Sweet beautiful life for such a sweet beautiful soul. You have done well. I wish you more good things to come in this world and beyond. 

I don't know if you remember the girls I was with, I had a couple of close friends at the time and we spent a lot of time together, studying, shopping, movies etc I know at least one of them is doing well in life too. She tried to reach me many years later, but I was long gone by then. She is a sweet soul, like you are. None of you need me in your lives. You are both doing well and I wish for her the same things I wish for you. 

I am too far gone now, I don't know how to return to the person you both once knew, or is it even possible to do so. So I'm not going to contact you, I'll just send you well wishes from far. I don't want your life, the work I have to put in to get there is just too much for me. I don't have the energy nor the urge to do so. I am fine where I am, it's a safe familiar place, took me years to get here.

I have a friend who likes to take selfies during friends gathering, I think she put these online, she is quite active on social medias. You might have seen me in one of those selfies, she knows how I dread appearing in them and she always knows when to take them, when I least expected it. She is funny and annoying like that, I love her. I can't make her take down any of those selfies - so yeah, if you see me, you see me, that is if you recognize me at all. 

Okay.. so, I think I'll go back to my life now, trying to make it better everyday - and both of you, enjoy your life, enjoy the fruits of your hard work :)
