June 16, 2021


Dear Diary,

Kemper and I made love and are lying in bed watching TV. Well I should say he is watching TV. 

I didn’t know I could be this happy or this content. I am still analyzing what it is that he does that makes me happy. I don’t even know why it matters trying to figure it out.

He asked me when he got home if I was absolutely sure I didn’t have any thing to tell him. (Meaning if I was pregnant) And I said absolutely not! He said okay but I had him worried with the dad questions earlier. It is safe to say we are on the same page, “NOT RIGHT NOW OR EVER”. 

I had dinner ready for him when he came home. He always has to shower when he gets home because he is usually covered in grease from working on engines.

I sometimes think him and my dad could be best friends someday. That might be wishful thinking but I feel they would get along. Mom would melt at his politeness and smiles. 

I’m typing this and thinking woah, slow down. I need to start living in reality instead of the one that I daydream about where I can introduce Kemper to my parents.

My mom emailed me earlier and said that her and dad might be seeing each other again. I still remember their fighting and how miserable dad was. I’m glad I’m not around to witness this. If it goes bad again, I don’t want to see it. It crushed me! I still have a hard time thinking about mom and her affair and how she could do that to us.
