June 14, 2021


Dear Diary,

Taking a break from cleaning. 

Kemper came home around 3 in the morning, he said he drove straight through. He said he just wanted to get home. We had sex before going back to sleep.

He asked what happened to my knee this morning when I woke up and I told him that I tripped and fell. He asked where I got it wrapped and I told him about Cant and how he insisted on wrapping it. Kemper didn't say much after that but I could tell something was going on in his brain.

Kemper looked so tired this morning. I don't even know why he got up when I did. He has an incredible high energy level. The only time he seems worn out or tired is the day after coming home from whatever he does for the club. 

I need to get back to work so I can get this done by mid afternoon. 
