May 16, 2021


Dear Diary,

Today I draw a girl in farmers dress and I must say that she is the best digital art that I've done so far. An artist complimented my artwork on IG and I'm so happy that someone appreciated my art. He liked most of my posts and say that he like my style. I also said that I like his style and followed him back and like some of his art. I didn't know that he's kinda big on IG I'm surprised he commented on my art. He is like the 'boss' level when it comes to art. His artworks are more on traditional like charcoal, graphite, etc. and his subjects are mostly bnw portraits, they are mysterious and kinda dark in my opinion which is super interesting to me.

I am not very active on IG. I only have one friend who knows my account and I just installed that app just to follow my favorite artists, gamers, art and clothing shops. I post once in a blue moon and all my posts are my digital artworks. (I didnt notice that it's been a year since I start digital art). I don't really post traditional art on my page because I don't have a good quality camera and I don't have the money to buy art materials. I only use a cheap non-art tablet, a gift from my aunt. The stylus that I use was from when I was in grade 8 and it is also from my aunt. 

The only family member that bought me art materials (paint brush, oil pastels, pencils, and illustration board) was my mom and it was for school project, my classmate borrowed the paint brush from me and never give it back. But anyway, all I'm trying to say is that you don't need a whole squad to support you, having your self one person is more than enough to continue your journey with your passion. In case you only have yourself, that is also fine, believe in you and God is with You. Aside from that, we don't also need expensive materials the outcome of the work does not only rely on the material, it is on how we manipulate them.

Last last day, I bought the cheapest set of pencil, two cheap fine liners, and set of kid's markers. They work pretty well especially the pencils because my work is now is visible and smoother compared to the use of mechanical pencil alone. Tomorrow, the cheapest sketchbook that I found online will arrive. Hopefully there would be no damage.

I was so busy this year that I forgot about my main passion, which is art. I promised yesterday that I will consistently draw a day. I know that this is exhausting and eventually I might get tired and stop creating daily, but I want to try and see where it'll get me. There's no harm in trying right? At least I will get to see my self to improve, hopefully.

I also wanted to thank ZHC even though he will not be able to read this, I still want to say that his passion and perseverance as an artist is one of my inspirations to continue creating.

P.S This is probably my longest entry it's crazy.
