April 25, 2021


Dear Y****,

Today I was quite angry at you. At first you texted me in the evening. But I replied late because I was cooking for my family. Then I saw you online in vrchat. I went there but you were talking to someone. You never notice me whenever I was online in the same place as you in vrchat. To be honest, I feel that since you knew about vrchat, you spend a little time with me because you always online in vrchat. Before this you used to call me every night and we talked for hours. I miss the old days...Maybe you are bored talking to me and you are seeking new person to talk to. Just now, I met a friend, then he bring his lover too in the vrchat. I feel jealous of him because the way he told me about his lover, I know instantly that he really loves her. You told me you love me but have you ever introduce me to your friends? I think you never done that. I am just your secret girlfriend that nobody ever know about my existence. I told about you to my friends, my best friends. But you haven't told about me to your friends. I guess, you don't love me that much. You are just exaggerating when you say your life is nothing without me. You could do just fine. After all, you only love your previous lover so much and you only loved her. I am just a tool to ease your pain and loneliness. I feel so stupid. 
