April 13, 2021


Dear Diary,

I didn't know it's possible to be this emotionally drained. &#% I don't want to fool myself like I did yesterday. My life is still gray.

I want to tell my mother to stop doing the household chores 'cause she just got from surgery but I cant because I'm tired of stopping her all the time and I'm just too drained to the point where I can't even blame her (I can't even take care of myself and I'm losing track of my school activities for the whole year) and no ones gonna do those chores aside from her

I'm trying to battle with my thoughts and emotions but I'm really exhausted &#% I'm just waiting for my body to shut down.

I eat because my mother gets mad when I don't eat and I don't want to be the cause of her stress so I eat for her sake. But really, I don't know what it feels to even enjoy food anymore.
