Dear Diary,
Oops I forgot to write yesterday. My bad. Yesterday was just a normal day I guess haha. I kinda forgot it already. I know I woke up at 7am just like today and had class till 2:15pm. Than gamed a bit and at dinner I bit my tongue so hard. So hard that there are small little cuts and that it is swollen. It luckily stopped bleeding but it still hurts.
Today I woke up at 7am too, had school from 08:30am till 4:30pm. First 2 hours we had presentation preparing. We had to make a exercise in a group of 4 people about what to do during different presentation and what not to do. 2 students asked if I'd join them and I did. Than they asked if 'she' wants to join as well. So I asked her and she replied with ''sorry I fell asleep, I'd like to join.'' And I was like, it's a lesson, important and good for next weeks. But okay. Than she joined the call and asked what we had to do. So we explained and we started doing it. With ''we'' I mean me and the 2 students who asked me to join. She literally did nothing. 0.0 things. Than we had the next lesson. Illustrator lesson. We had 1h to do research for a poster, what we'd make, the title, spot colors etc. So like than we had to show it what we gathered etc. Than it was her turn and it was like she explained it, but she's making it so difficult that I doubt that she'd make it. That's also why I put off my headphones till the next ones turn it was. Than we had English lesson. She wasn't there lol. Than we had 2h photography. She joined in the middle of the lesson, outside she was. She literally does everything apart from actually doing school. I won't put my effort in it anymore, I even stopped like liking her because of this. And that's sad. But being like this is just a instant no go for me. So no go that I could even decide to just stop the friendship at some point. Because in a longer time of period I could turn like that as well. Just how I am. That's why all of my friends actually do things. 3rd party influences they call that. She also asked if he had school tomorrow.. ._. Like we have this schedule since the end of November. What do you think?? This time I just answered with "yeah ofc." Next time I will answer with no. Dumb questions require dumb answers and so does this one. We have this app called Magister for a reason? But okay? Tomorrow I see her irl again. I'll show her indirect than as well that I don't accept it anymore and that I'm disappointed. Because on app she doesn't seem to notice with my short answers.
This is it for today,
Till tomorrow!! :)