Dear Diary,
Boy for a country of people who praise America for our so called freedoms and rights,these same citizens sure love to infringe upon everyone elses when they do something they dont agree with.
Its not even funny anymore the hypocrisy and the spoiled rotten attitude of priviledge that spews from a large percentage of Americans. It blows me away how many americans think they are more entitled to freedoms then others.It shouldn't be a surprise since we have been doing that to other countries as a staple in every war we fight.
No one seems to think of others,its all about them. So many people expect others to sacrifice their rights and freedom in order to make some whiner comfortable.
IF gay guys want to make out in public They have that right. If it bothers u,THEN LOOK THE OTHER WAY! If someone wants to smoke in their home they have the right. If it bothers a neighbor then its time the neighbor invest in better Windows or shut the fuck up.
IF someone wants to play loud music during the day, but you are trying to sleep,or u r just annoyed by it, insteaD of calling the cops anD infringing on your neighbors RIGHT TO PLAY LOUD MUSIC BEFORE 10PM, GET SOME EAR PLUGS. ALL SIMPLE ANSWERS THAT EQUATE TO DONT EXPECT OTHERS TO GIVE UP THEIR FREEDOM ANS RIGHTS SO U CAN BE COMFORTABLE.YOU ARE NOT A QUEEN OR KING. IF U LOVE FREEDOM SO MUCH THEN STOP TRYING TO deprive OTHERS FROM theirs.